Being able to step outside at 7 o'clock in the morning without shivering is a wonderful feeling. And we've been taking full advantage of this lovely weather by starting our spring work. Weeds are beginning to come up in our gardens, and of course we can't let that go unpunished, so I've begun pulling them already. We moved the chickens out of our high tunnel (their winter quarters) and into the chicken yard, where they are very happy.
Cochran Family Homestead
Saturday, March 19, 2022
Spring In My Step
Saturday, March 5, 2022
They are one of my favorite foods. ;) Cookies, cakes, pudding, pies, cupcakes and chocolate bars, they are all a big part of cozy evenings. So I decided to type "dessert" into the search bar of our Google Photos, and after seeing what came up decided that I absolutely must make a post about it.
(Also, sorry I haven't posted anything the past two weeks, but we've been REALLY busy :))
For starters, Dirt Pudding. I actually couldn't find any pictures of this, one of my top 5 favorite desserts, in our Google Photos. :( But, fortunately, there's always the internet, so I found a picture of this dessert that looks just like the finished product that my sister Lindsey produces on nearly every one of my birthdays.
And this is the best cake ever. Literally. It's called "The Best Cake Ever." And it is.
Of course, we mustn't forget the most common and one of the most delicious desserts ever: Chocolate Chip Cookies. This picture is smack in the middle of a big operation conducted by Lindsey and I. As you can see. We've got an assembly line going.
And these two cookies ... I'm not sure who took this picture, but since it looks like it was taken on a blanket, I'm going to assume that someone sneaked cookies back to the their bedroom and wanted to savor the moment. XDAnd now, last but not least, Cinnamon Rolls. They just never get old.
Unless, of course, they sit out for more than a week.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Plans and Plant Preparations
One thing that I always like to get an early start on every year is planning for our gardens: what seeds to plant, what seeds to order, what seeds we already have, the whole kit & caboodle. First we have to figure out what kind of vegetables we want to re-plant, or in some cases experiment with. And then Mom will go over with Nathan (who is going to take charge of the gardens this year) what all he wants to add and or try out.
Now, vegetables are all fine and well, don't get me wrong. I really enjoy producing our own farm-fresh veggies and making farm-fresh meals out of them. (Especially the jalapenos -- don't get me started on Jalapeno Poppers). But the things that are really vital to the gardening experience, at least for me, are the flowers.
They're just so -- vital! They brighten up the fresh but occasionally monotonous green with splashes of purple, pink, red, yellow, white, and practically any other color you could possibly ask for. And for this year, I plan to stick a flower wherever I can find a spot -- or until Mom reminds me that I'll have to help with the watering if we have a dry spell. (insert sheepish smiley face here). I have a flower patch of my own, and we'll also put them up along the house and in pots everywhere, not to mention that some flowers serve as great companion plants for our vegetables. Last year we had petunias coupled with tomatoes, and the petunias actually drew away a significant amount of tomato worms!
So here are some pictures I found online of the flowers I plan to plant just in my flower garden; hopefully I'll be able to post pictures that I actually took of them later this year, if all goes well in the flower bed. :)
This dainty flower is an Blue Disc African Daisy. It, like many of our seeds, came from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.These little drops of sunshine are marigolds -- we grow them every year, but I've never done them in my flower garden yet and I'm excited to see them take off!Saturday, February 5, 2022
Winter is Finally Here!
But wait ... hasn't winter been here for two months?
When I think of winter I think of soft white snow, blanketing the fields and the housetops, creating a cozy environment inside your warm house as you cradle your steaming mug of hot chocolate and watch the atmospheric water vapor frozen into ice crystals falling outside.
But, unfortunately, winter doesn't necessary guarantee snow, as we learned painfully this past December of 2021. To my recollection, not a single flake of snow fell during the entire month, leaving us with only disappointing temperatures and leafless trees. Snow and ice, though relatively little, did come on the first of January, New Years of 2022, and thus began a rather snowy winter!
I was very happy when we got another 3 inches of snow later in January, and now, on February 5, we have somewhere between 7 - 10 inches lying around our yard in drifts. ! It's so nice to wake up in the morning, expectantly awaiting a sunrise that would bring you a view of everything white -- which, as aforementioned, is the proper look for winter.
Another thing I really enjoy about winter are **drumroll** -- the birds! As a gift for my last birthday, one of the things I received was a greatly anticipated birdfeeder, which I promptly filled with birdseed and hung outside a sun-room window -- in full view so we could watch the adorable phoebes, bold bluejays, and stunning cardinals.
So far, if my bird documenting skills are correct, I've seen quite a few Eastern Phoebes. Here is one who braved the danger on the ground for a snack.
Unfortunately, the bird itself is in slight danger of becoming a snack, thanks to our very sweet, adorable, and innocent looking cat, Ebony.Ebony has an unfortunate tendency to ... well, be a cat. Whenever she sees a bird she'll creep up and eventually pounce. So far she hasn't successfully caught any birds, thankfully. The birdfeeder was not intended as bait. XDGetting outside and playing in the snow is so much fun, especially when there are huge drifts to be discovered ...
... and annihilated.
Saturday, January 5, 2019
WotR Research Special - Carlisle Castle - Also Happy New Year!

My characters who arrive at the castle (about 1/3 through the story) are a young servant boy and girl, whose already unsteady lives are shaken up even more by the quick move to Carlisle Castle. Along with them is their adult friend, a kind, wandering minstrel who promises that he will return to visit them when he leaves.
Of course, there's been sickness and traveling and a bunch of school as well. My goals for the next few years are becoming more clear, and I'm praying that the Lord will help me to accomplish them so I can be ready for whatever---or whomever :D---might come my way. :)
Looking forward into the New Year, we should remember to take it step by step, month by month, and not to stress about things that needn't be stressed about. "Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ," as Titus 2:13 says. And you know, there's more than one way we should be looking for God. Waiting for Him to come back, of course...but also in all the things we do, in things we say, in the people we talk to---if these things are not reflecting the things of the Lord or His commandments, should we really be doing them?
One thing I pray for 2019 is that people will be able to see more of God's light in me.
Happy New Year, everyone! God bless!
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
Pictures from Pinnacles
Late November, around Thanksgiving, there was a beautiful uncomplicated day in between all the cold and busy days. Dad and Mom decided to pack us up and drive to Pinnacles, a Missouri National Park that is practically in our backyard, it's so close. Despite living where we have for 6 + years we still hadn't gone to check it out.
It was amazing, and so much fun! It was a really good family outing, and a perfect day for it! The Lord really blessed :)
Here's a bunch of pictures:
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Aaron |
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We climbed up this rather steep hill... |
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Then headed right back down again. :D |
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I love this picture of Chloe :) |
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Ending with dear little him so much! :) |
Saturday, December 22, 2018
The Creation and Ark Adventure ~ Blog by Chloe

When we arrived at the museum entrance, there were two long-neck dinosaurs there to greet us. They were tall and still, (which wasn't surprising, seeing that they were statues.)
Then we entered the building. The ceiling was high, and hanging from it were two, very long Chinese dragons. They didn't have legs, though. :)
There were lots of neat things. Dinosaurs, statues of people that moved, lots and lots of insects, cool rocks, and much more. All of it pointing to God's wonderful designs in creation.
Later in the day we went the planetarium. It was one of my favorite parts of the whole vacation! It was quiet and dark, and we were all in soft seats that could lean back so we could see the ceiling. The screen was above us on the ceiling, and it felt like we were looking up into an upside down bowl.
The show was about the Created Cosmos. It started with earth, and then went to our solar system, and then moved on to our galaxy, all the way up to what we know of the universe.
The stars and planets were beautiful, and the animation was wonderful! It made us so amazed at how big God is!
We all had a very good time. Then, the next day, it was on to the ark!
A life size version of Noah's ark!
We had a great time at the Ark Encounter. It was neat to look on the outside and see how huge it was for real.
It can be hard to understand what you are seeing in these pictures if you haven't been there, so seeing it in person is best of course.
Well, that's all for now!