Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pictures of the Puppies

Good morning, everyone! Here you are! More pictures our new puppies!

The one to the far left is the only black and white one,
all the other ones are brown.
And if you are observant, you will have noticed that there are now six! About ten minutes after I posted yesterday, she had another one. Then she must have had the sixth one late last night, because this morning there were six!

These pictures were very hard to take. It's pretty chilly outside, so Beulah is laying is a way that keeps them warm---her leg over top them like a blanket. And her head kept getting in the way. She is a very good mother, always taking care of them and everything. We're thrilled.

Four of them are boys, and two of them are girls---surprisingly like our family. We haven't named them yet, but we've been brainstorming since they were born. :)

Good Mama :)
See you later!



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Guess what, everyone! :)


Beulah had puppies!

We had just gotten back from my Grandma Jeanne's house for a short visit, and Beulah, our big white Great Pyrenees, had puppies! We were expecting them anytime and were very excitedly waiting for them, and THEY'RE HERE!

K.J is a Border Collie, so they are half Border Collie, half Great Pyrenees. There are four so far.

Happiness! :)
I will give more of an update sometime later and definitely more pictures! :)

Till later,


A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. ~ Proverbs 12:10 KJV

Friday, October 2, 2015

New Arrivals

Hello everyone! Hope things are going well for you all. Things have been fine around here---mostly. A few of us kind of have a cold/allergies/sickness going on right now, but it's mild for the most part and hopefully we'll feel better soon. The weather is starting to feel lovely, nice and cool.

Guess what! We got some sheep...(about a month ago, but I forgot to tell you...)! They are St. Croix sheep. Our plans are to breed them and sell them and maybe butcher some for meat. Lamb is actually really good, you should try it.

The ram we got from our neighbors, the Pelcs, and the ewes we got from somewhere else. They were really, really terrified of us when we first got them, especially the ewes, but we have started hand feeding them every once in a while and so now they come when we call (most of the time). We named them Tess and Dot. Dot is the one with the black spot on her ear. They were born in April.

This is how we transported them, with tarps
and wood chips and everything.

The ram is about eleven months old.

For now, we put the two ewes in the small fenced area with the shelter and the ram (Jacob or Jake, it depends on who you ask) is in another fenced place right next to them. One day a few weeks ago we let the ewes out into the pasture with the goats (with whom they get along fine) and they wondered off. We spent about half an hour looking for them, finally finding them down by the woods. It sounds a lot like the Bible verse in Isaiah, doesn't it?

All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid upon him the iniquity of us all. - Isa. 53:6

Have a good week!

~ Lindsey