Friday, August 28, 2015

Can't think of a name for this one...

Hey guys,  I've been gone for a while, sorry about that. Summer has busy, fun, hard, and beautiful. Of course it's not over yet, but these last few days have been really nice.

One morning recently we had hash-browns and fried ham for breakfast. We've been trying to have more protein for breakfasts the past few weeks, but it is easier than it sounds. I, for one, have noticed that we keep coming back to eggs. Eggs are good every once in a while (says me) but twice or more a week might get old. I've been eating them though, and my Mom tries to make a variety so I think I'm getting used to it.

Before this was eaten, I took a picture. What do you think? A piece of ham or a flattened, meat-eating fish?

It is watching you with its big, bony eye....

Half for school, have for fun, I have been reading about a certain time in history, the 1400s. More specifically the 1460s, when there was a civil war in England called the Wars of the Roses. It is one of my most favorite times in history now, with all of it's battles and swords and betrayals and good guys and bad guys and the two major sides, Lancaster and York....sorry, I like talking about it. It's got everything a medieval story book would have, especially with the believable characters. (I have to keep reminding myself that it's history.)

I'm going to write a report on it eventually, and I might even post it on here.

Did I ever tell you about the time (several months ago) that we went to at cave? I might have mentioned it, but I didn't give you pictures. It was in the Cameron Cave in Missouri.

Us Cochrans---Daddy is taking the picture :)
 It was really fun and jaw-dropping amazing. Of course, our tour guild mentioned "millions of years" in reference to the layers of the rock, but we were prepared for that.

Well, I have to get back to my morning. I need to read my Bible and history (hurrah!) and pretty soon lunch.

Have a good weekend. God Bless!


P.S. Thank you to all those who read my blog. I was randomly cleaning my online stuff out and noticed that I had 12 views last week all in one day. Sorry I haven't been keeping up you all, I'll try to post more often. Thanks for waiting on me! :)

Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ ~ Titus 2:13