It is Saturday today, and frankly, it doesn't feel like it. My life has been pretty busy in the last few...months. Yep, it's been months. I have been neglecting my blog because I have had other things to do. Sorry, not sorry. You'll see why.
But I do have some things to tell you now. First, we have ducks. I may have mentioned that before, I'm not sure, but Noah bought them and for the most part, he has taken care of them since they were a day old. Now they are grown up and have started laying eggs. Noah wants to breed them to sell, as well as for meat. They are SO fun to watch, and so pretty when they swim in the pond.
Second, Mom had a baby. Uh, yeah...I haven't said anything about that on here, though you might have thought I would. Busy, as I said, and now you know why. Baby was born July 19, and his name is Jonas William Cochran. He weighed 6 lbs, 10 oz. Here he is:
Little Jonas |
And before you ask, yes I help take care of him sometimes, but he's only about three weeks old so I don't do much. I do feel more comfortable doing things with him than I remember being with the other kids, though, probably because I've had practice (At fifteen, I'm the oldest of seven!)
Aaron, who had been the youngest in the family for a while, loves him so much. He loves to hold him. (mom's hands are helping to hold baby)
Aaron and Jonas. |
Yesterday Aaron told mom that she should put Jonas's teeth in now. We had a laugh about that.
Aaron and Noah. This doesn't have any relevance
to Jonas, but it was too sweet a picture not to post. |
Third, I got my learner's permit (for driving). Yay! But I still haven't driven anything yet. Still have to learn the basics of cars, haha. I can tell you a lot about what-you're-suppose-to-do-when, though. Studying for the test was...not exactly stressful, but not a breeze either. I read the booklet and took a lot of practice tests. For a week my brain felt so full of information I didn't want to learn anything else anywhere under any circumstance. But that's gone now, thankfully. :)
Fourth, we have kittens. Our mama cat, Ellie, had them about six weeks ago, and they are the sweetest, cutest things ever! Here's pictures:
The one in the back is peeking. It cracks me up every time. |
This was the girl. The golden ones are boys. |
I think that is all for now. Do you ever have that feeling where you've been trying to do good for a long time, but keep going in circles, and finally you break free? It feels really, really good. Take it from someone who has been there multiple times. Break free and fill the void. (Matt 12:43-45)
Lots of love to everyone! :) Have a good weekend and worshipful Sunday!