Saturday, February 28, 2015

Snow and Homeschool reports

Tomorrow is the first day of March!'s snowing.

We're supposed to get a few inches right now, a few more this evening/tonight, and a few more tomorrow morning. And tomorrow is also Sunday. Bad timing...unless the forecast is wrong, we may not be able to have church. :(

Okay, snow is pretty. There's not many things more peaceful than after a snow storm. The wind is still (sometimes), the snow has been laid down in 'blankets' for miles around, and the silence is beautiful.

Winter has its place. We can't garden all the time. 'To every thing there is a season,' (Ecc. 3:1), meaning of course, that everything has a right time.

But, it's about time for spring! Come on, spring! I'm ready for some warm weather---very ready.

Meanwhile, I hope all of you are staying warm and cozy. Thanks, by the way, for all the nice comments you guys gave me about this blog (both posted or by email *smile*). That's so nice of you.

I got a lot (it seems) done with school stuff this week. I suppose the highlight would be the report I did on the state of Montana. I'm so glad to finally have it done! Homeschool reports don't like to sit around on computer documents and notebook paper for four weeks waiting to be finished (which could easily happen, if you didn't have good parent-teachers to give you a deadline.)

Beautiful, wild, and green Montana...
But besides all that, it feels really good to get something accomplished, you know? And I really like the state of Montana now. If you ever go there, take my family with you!!!

Hope you all have a good next week! (And the next, and the next, and the next too. *smile*)

Farewell, my friends!


1 comment:

  1. I agree the snow is very peaceful
    Christ has washed much whiter than snow..... He continually reminds us of His wonderful promises and His grace through His beautiful creation!
