Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Next Chapter

Isn't it interesting when you finally realize that your life is in chapters? Looking back, you can see your own character development, the coming and going of ideas, and the changes in the world around you.

You said goodbye to friends, and said hello to others.

You had some internal struggles, and overcame them.

You had a few hidden sins, and finally begged forgiveness for them.

You wasted time without thinking about it, but suddenly saw the bigger picture.

And thanks to God's grace, you realize things. You see the truth, like a flash of lightning. All those decisions and beliefs that you said you hold see that they're so much more important than you had thought. Every single detail.

Another strike of light, and you glimpse what would be your future if you continued on in the same way. And you know you have a choice. So you choose. Granted, it's after a while of sitting on the fence (and scolding yourself for it), but finally...

And the chapter closes. A new one opens. You look back and see it all like a distant dream, but remember not to look too close or you'll fall in again. "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall".

And then you suddenly find yourself free...every thing seems fresh, new, happy, optimistic.You look forward now, and not so much at the computer screen or your new favorite fantasy. There are struggles ahead and you see them, but you have a plan for each one.

You may still have to say goodbye to people.

You may have to conquer your nervousness.

You will have doubts.

You will sometimes feel like you're good for nothing.

(And you know you still have to conquer math.)

But isn't it worth it? Because a clear plan of the future will guild your step, like a lantern shining bright on the dark forest path. "Where there is no vision, the people perish; but he that keepeth he law, happy is he".

All that is me. Thank the Lord for his mercy.


I haven't written since September of  2016! Well, that's not completely true...I have written, just not for a blog post. The fact that six months have passed since my last post kind of surprised me. I hadn't really meant to abandon my blog, it just happened. Sorry! :)

Here's some pictures to show what we've been up to.

Jonas is such a big boy now! He is seven months old and
is starting to move all over the place. 

This is Aaron with cousin Jaden. They are
close in age and really enjoy playing together. 

Our grandparents gave us a punching bag, which is now
hanging in the garage. It's a fun way to exercise.

Our sheep had lambs! This is Catalina and her twin girls.

Some of our other sheep. 

We have three ewes and one ram (not pictured). The mamas are Tess the Friendly, Catalina the Cautious, and Dot the Scaredy Sheep. Seriously, though---the most she will do is sniff the tips of our fingers.

Tess had the only boy lamb. We'll probably butcher him eventually. The other ewes each had twin girls, and we'll probably keep them to grown our flock. 

One of our goats had kids too, and still other is expecting soon.

These naughty goat kids are being good for
once and posing for a picture. 

Throwback: This is one of our puppies from
Beulah's first litter. We called him Haelix.

This is him now. We gave him to some friends at church and they
named him Canaan.

Some of my brother Noah's ducks. He takes great care of
them and they are so much fun to watch. If I had a favorite animal
on the farm, the ducks would probably hold first place most of the time. 

These are Muscovy ducks. Unlike the others, they are able to fly. 
Sometimes they come over the fence and visit us in the front yard. :)

Today is the second day of March, meaning my sixteenth birthday is only a few days away. Sometime soon I'll update a picture of myself. :)  My little brother Seth will be turning seven. He and I share a birthday---March 6th.

I would write more, but this post is getting really long. Maybe I'll post again later this weekend. See you then! :)



  1. Great post Lins, I need to print the picture of us all together.
    see ya at church

  2. Okay, kinda just stalked your entire blog and I just love it! Friend, you got yourself a nice one. Keep up the good work! 😂😂
