Thursday, December 20, 2018

Introduction to Stories from 2018

Hello all!

Here I am to tell some stories of the past year, for the simple reason of...well, it's almost been a year since I've written :D But a lot of little things happen in life that take up time, and if we don't stop and care for the little things, then what good are we with the big ones?

Then again, it is good to have a habitual posting when you have a blog. I'm going to have to get better at that, and the fact that I have several posts lined up should help.

So. Summer and Fall of 2018 was really good. Traveling, love, worshiping the Lord with His people, family fun, friendships blossoming, and reminders of God's workings and God's goodness.

On the way to a church meeting we stopped
by a zoo. Fun times!

Snowy skies

Winter puppies!

Jonas dancing to his music :)

It hasn't been trial free, of course. Nothing ever is. We stumbled through two major family illness during summer, and we had a health scare regarding my Mom. But through it all we have been so, so, blessed. I can't even begin to tell you how much. Our church family has helped us out so much, bringing meals and lifting up prayers, and those prayers have been answered.

I think the Lord has been trying me through it all. I need more patience I rest in His will and let Him take care of the flow of life.

A couple of things that we did this summer I will leave my sister Chloe to tell you. She's quite a writer herself. :)  Anyway, she wrote a few posts, and they'll be posted next.

~ Lindsey

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