Thursday, April 9, 2015

Time has flown...

I'm so so sorry that I haven't posted in what seems like forever. At the beginning of March I started writing a long post, but I never really finished it, and now here it is in the beginning of April. We have been so busy (the normal but real excuse) for the past seven or so weeks. I can't tell you everything, but here's a few highlights:

 I turned fourteen on the sixth of March, and my little brother Seth turned five (he shares a birthday with me.)

 I was surprised with getting a Recurve Bow for my birthday (I like archery.) I was going to write about it a while ago, but...*grins sheepishly* I kinda put it off. I had some new books to read, and it was really nice outside.

We also have people over pretty often, which adds to the housework. I don't mind housework one of us jokingly said once, having people over makes us clean the house till it sparkles (kind of...figure of speech, of course.)

Anyway, recently life has slowed down a little and we have been able to focus on school work and getting things ready for spring. We got one-day old chicks (on Tuesday), a new goat kid (a few weeks ago; his name's Chance), along with planting seedlings and other garden stuff.

Mom has been reading books out loud to us, and we took a little fun trip as a family to see a movie last Monday. My Dad already wrote about that below this post, along with some exciting/very good recommendations that I'm always glad we can share with people (because they have been very helpful to us).

I would write more "but!" it's supper time and I've got to go. HOPEFULLY I'll get back to you sometime before the first of May or June. :)

My list of things to write about is ever so slowly growing....


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